May Week 2021

May Week is a national program of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. created in 1920. A week in May is set aside for programs highlighting academic and professional achievements and […]

Celebrating Black Women in Politics

Join SBAC for our Video Debut of A WOMEN’S HISTORY MOMENT: “CELEBRATING BLACK WOMEN IN POLITICS”, A CONVERSATION ON CIVIC ENGAGEMENT! We are celebrating this intergenerational conversation featuring three Black […]

Mr. & Miss Crimson Heart Jabberwock Pageant

The Mr. & Miss Crimson Heart Jabberwock Pageant is back! This year’s pageant promises to be epic, as we highlight the academics and talent of the youth in our community. […]

SBAC Deltas on the Run

The South Broward Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.’s Fourth Annual 5K Run, Walk or Cycle will take place on your treadmill, stationary bike, in the park, or […]

SBAC Human Trafficking Awareness

Join us to learn about the dangers, risk factors, myths, and misconceptions associated with human trafficking. Tune into SBAC Facebook Live.

College Readiness Virtual Workshop

Join us for interactive workshops where high school students and parents can receive assistance with completing scholarship applications, applying for financial aid, and receive information to prepare for higher education. […]

College Readiness Virtual Workshop

Join us for interactive workshops where high school students and parents can receive assistance with completing scholarship applications, applying for financial aid, and receive information to prepare for higher education. […]